
Welcome New I.A.M. Local Lodge 1746 Members

Welcome I.A.M. Local Lodge 1746 Members September 2023! 

Be sure to come to visit the Union Hall at 357 Main Street in East Hartford and come and attend a monthly meeting held on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 11:00 am. Also check out our Events Calendrer for meeting time changes and special events put on by our various committees. If you are interested in being a part of or joining any of the committees our Local has, please call (860) 568-3000 or talk to any of the Union Representatives on the shop floor.

Haleigh Bozarth

Zachary Brajczewski

Trevor Calve

Thomas Infante

Romaine Johnson

Tyler Linsley

Patrick McEnerney

Jeffrey McLaughlin

Tyler Olson

Paul O’Meara

William Pfanzelt

Philip Woolard